Holidays at the lake - fishing and angling in Salzkammergut
Petri Heil in Mondsee! - Fishing holiday in Austria directly at the lake
There is hardly a more relaxing activity on the lake than fishing. Fishermen and women will feel at home in the Salzkammergut and will be delighted about the bio-diverse fish population in Lake Mondsee. The fishing season runs from April to October on the lakes Mondsee and Attersee which are both EU's Special Protection Areas.

Mondsee fish population
It was the endemic fish population that won Lake Mondsee EU Protection; in the Salzkammergut, the fish population includes rutilus meidingerii (carp) and Seelaube (a special kind of Danube bleak). Fishing on Lake Mondsee is allowed on the lakeside and the most common catches are zander, pike, eel and carp. Fishing in a boat is only reserved for professional fishermen and holders of season tickets.
Fishing on Lake Mondsee
In order to ensure sustainable fishing and careful treatment of Salzkammergut's fish population, there are some restrictions that apply to fishermen and women here:
- Compulsory fishing licence
- 4 whitefish a day
- One must not fish char
- Only fish on the lakeside
- No quantitive restrictions for the fish species mentioned above

In order to get the fishing licence, you will need an (Upper Austrian) fishing card or an Upper Austrian tax card.
Licences are available at various places in Mondsee, e.g. at Café Breneis, at the Faber family on Thalgaustraße, at Hemetsberger famil on Seebadstraße or at the Edtmayer gas station in Innerschwand.
The Mondsee Fishing Association will gladly help you with any queries about fishing and angling in the Salzkammergut. The team at Seehof Hotel in Mondsee will be pleased to organise your fishing holiday in Mondsee for you. We will email you an attractive holiday offer, just send us your no-obligation holiday enquiry.
Give the gift of a fishing holiday: Order holiday vouchers now and start your adventure with the fish on holiday at a later date.